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​​​Molly Bilker


Since she was young, Molly has been a black-tea enthusiast. She grew up on English Breakfast and Earl Grey (her father's favorite) and hosted regular tea parties at her house in her middle and high school years. As a writer, one of Molly's strongest tea memories is of sitting in front of her computer, scrambling to finish her novel for her creative writing class before deadline, wearing a bathrobe, drinking a hot, sweet cup of chai.



Carolina Marquez


The day is not complete without a cup of tea. Either a morning cup of chai or a hot peppermint tea before bed works for Carolina. Yerba Mate is her addiction, she buys it by the pound at Lee Lee's Market. Her favorite tea memory is from high school, when she drank yerba mate to stay up late and do homework.



Alex Scoville


Whether it's brandname tea bags dipped in microwave-boiled water or locally made loose leaf blends boiled to perfection, Alex loves tea. Her fondest tea memory comes from a trip to South Korea three years ago, where she was served the same, utterly delicious nutty green tea at every meal she ate.



















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About Us

The Passion Fruit Tea Girls

Tea is a tradition that dates back thousands of years. How does it fit into the 21st century landscape of the Phoenix metropolis? The girls behind Steeped In Tea plan to figure that out, all while having a little fun along the way. Molly Bilker, Carolina Marquez and Alex Scoville are all tea-loving sophomores at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. Their passion for writing and sleuthing around is only matched by their passion for a certain brew. They'll teach you general tea info in between exploring Phoenix for their next favorite tea house! 


Learn more about the girls below!

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